• Navizone Enterprise Pilot
  • Enterprise Risk & Controls

Developing balanced, concise Risk Libraries that address key business issues

Identifying and prioritising Risks

Designing and developing key controls

Design reviews and process execution testing

  • Internal Audit

Internal Audit planning, testing and integration with Enterprise Assurance

  • Operational Risk Management

Ensuring all aspects of Operational Risk are prioritised and consistently managed

  • Self Certification
  • Compliance

All aspects of Compliance across all countries can be managed via the Navizone Risk & Controls Platform.

  • Financial
  • Basel
  • Environmental
  • Health & Safety
  • Operational
  • SOX Control Management
  • SMR
  • GPDR
  • IT Security

Reviews, Risk Analyses, Testing, Architecture

  • Navizone Enterprise Navigator
  • Business Strategy

360 degree Strategic Management

Global and Industry trends, Customer and Competitor analyses, Internal Realities

A global, collaborative Platform converting Insights into Strategies 

Ensuring Strategies are integrated with top-down and bottom-up targets

Strategic Plan and resource allocation across global entities

Identifying likely outcomes of strategic initiatives

Realistic reporting at activity level for Actual, Forecast and Plan

  • Business Performance Management

Identifying areas for improvement

Eliminating silos, bringing a collaborative, knowledge-sharing approach to businesses

  • Navizone Enterprise Program Monitor
  • Project Governance

All aspects of Program and Project tracking and monitoring globally

Navizone can integrate project planning from any source into its Program Monitoring Platform

Gives Program and Project Managers valuable insights and gives them the freedom to do their jobs

Provides Senior Management with visibility into all Programs and Projects globally

Provides Senior Management with Capex delivery and approval mechanism and ongoing tracking of global capex activities

  • Matrix Management
  • Document Management
  • Mobile Apps

Full on-the-go mobile applications to keep busy, mobile people apprised

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2019 © Navizone Limited | All Rights Reserved. 

Navizone is a set of integrated, cloud-based, collaborative platforms to get companies from where they are to where they want to be, by providing Senior Management with the Tools needed to Navigate in today’s world.

The Bloomsbury Building
10 Bloomsbury Way, Holborn, London WC1A 2SL

+44 (0)207 101 4513

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